So I thought it time to have another trip update for future plans. 

Coffee Farm Project:

When Jake and I first expressed our interest in coming to Africa, Peter of Denver Bicycle Cafè put Jake in contact with Anthony who is helping Ethiopian Coffee Farmers become more known with every cup of coffee.

The story goes like this: Coffee's birthplace is Ethiopia. Something the majority of people don't know I believe. I think most Americans at least associate coffee with South America. However, it migrated there from Ethiopia and it's roots are still heavily in Eastern Africa. Anthony wants farmers to get their recognition and utilize Fair Trade to help their livelihood in this bustling and quickly expanding industry. Jake comes into the picture (pun intended) by doing photos and video for these farms to help with this "branding" you might say.

However, some snags have occurred and this year's crop isn't what Anthony had hoped for. There's been a huge lack in communication with us and so things have been slightly up in the air. We wanted to be there for 3 months, but then it was going to look like 2.5 months and now that we're leaving the beginning of December it was just going to be one month since the date kept pushing closer and closer to November. Now we're still waiting for some reply to our request to be there longer, but as of now it looks like we're showing up the second week of November and will spend 5 - 7 days touring the farm but obviously Jake won't have time for any photo and video work. That leaves us with about 2 weeks to hang out in Ethiopia as tourists, hopefully able to check out old ruins and historical sites.

Then we're back home! Things may change slightly until then, but otherwise, I may just update with some pictures of cool things and stuff I hope to do once back in the States….
29/10/2012 04:39:26 am

Hmm, sounds a little dissapointing. Knowing you, when there's a cause, you invest yourself personally. So you are probably feeling the disappointment acutely. Sorry to hear it's not all you were hoping.
I will however enjoy you being home soon. And you have accomplished at least most of the main objectives, the biggest of all being to expand your experience in your world seeing all those different cultures. That's something you'll keep with you always. Or at least until alzheimers sets in.
Hope you continue to be safe, and I'm workig on the house for when you get back in case you want t stay while.
Love Dad

29/10/2012 02:42:15 pm

Yeahhhh we definitely were excited about this project, though I think it still leaves opportunity for future work still on the table. We'll see when we get back home. Ethiopia will still be cool though and I may try to get into contact with someone in the capital whose friends I met in Mozambique... we'll see

30/10/2012 07:55:03 am

Maybe you guys can still pull something out! It will be good to see the pictures of it regardless of what happens.

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